Hello, beautiful people.
I have returned from a several year hiatus. However, unlike my previous activity, I will no longer be working with audio. Instead, I will be focusing my attention on graphic art, attempting to improve and refine my skill, as well as get some feedback on some character concepts. I'll be uploading two final songs that have been on my hard drive for several years. With those, I'll be retiring from my music submissions, uploading only drawings and animations from here on out. I hope you enjoy them!
-Mr. Crenshaw
Sounds cool, but do you still do any voice acting as of late? I'm trying to find people to voice act for my project that I'm currently working on. I'm not hiring yet, I'm just advertising. If you're interested, check it out in this link: <a href="http://shadowsquadseries.deviantart.com/">http://shadowsquadseries.deviantart.com/</a>
Hope the concepts are going great. =)